The Commitment
The Commitment
We are committed to best practice environmental performance as we safely, responsibly and efficiently export Queensland coal to the world.
As a neighbour of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Abbot Point Operations (APO) has systems and monitoring programs in place to balance environmental responsibilities with operational activity. We meet our regulatory requirements and often exceed them.
Demonstrating our commitment
State-of-the-art systems and technology provide real-time water monitoring and the ability to forecast and model potential weather (such as heavy rainfall from tropical cyclones) against the terminal’s water storage capacity and take early action as necessary.
Caley Valley Wetland
The health of the Caley Valley Wetland is monitored by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, which undertakes water quality and sediment testing at 14 locations within this nationally important coastal wetland.
The Department’s findings can be accessed here.
The Department’s latest Progress Report (2018-2021) showed no harm to the environmental values of the Caley Valley Wetland.
Marine Environment
Annual beach and marine sediment sampling is undertaken to monitor the overall health of our marine environment, which includes nesting beaches for turtles; feeding grounds for dugong; and migratory routes for humpback whales.
Our activity aligns with and supports that of the port authority, North Queensland Bulk Ports, whose comprehensive environmental works at Abbot Point include one of the largest seagrass monitoring programs in the world.
Air Quality
Abbot Point Operations’ dust monitoring program is designed around the prevailing south-easterly wind experienced at the site. Dust monitors are used to measure PM10 and depositional dust at strategic locations on and adjacent to site, to gain background as well as upwind and downwind data.
Land and Biodiversity
APO works in partnership with North Queensland Bulk Ports and Whitsunday Regional Council to coordinate local weed and pest management.
Our strategic approach to weed management is informed by the generational knowledge and cultural practices of the Traditional Owners of the land on which we operate, the Juru People.
Safe Shipping
Commercial shipping within the Great Barrier Reef is subject to stringent management arrangements.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, along with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Maritime Safety Queensland, administer special measures under international and domestic law to regulate ship activities.
Commercial vessels travelling through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park may only navigate within the designated shipping area and the General Use Zone, and vessels are monitored using radar, satellite and other maritime sensors known as Reef VTS.
Modern Slavery Statement
Our annual Modern Slavery Statement is made under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
Our Statement describes the Risks of Modern Slavery in APO's business, steps we have taken and planning of the next steps to be taken during the financial year, to identify, manage and mitigate the risks in our operations and supply chains and how we evaluate the effectiveness of our responses.
Our Statement signed 24 September 2024 can be found at the link below.
Read MoreDingo Beach and the beach immediately east of Abbot Point are important turtle nesting grounds.
Sea grass beds located to the east of the Abbot Point are important feeding grounds for dugong.
Humpback whales pass through the port area on their annual migration.

Supporting our community
APO is delivering on its mission and commitment to Grow Local through strategic partnerships across the local region. Since 2017, APO’s Community Support Program has...

Grow Local
APO is committed to strengthening the connectivity and sustainability of our local community. Our mission is to ‘Grow Local’ by employing locals, purchasing from local businesses, and building capacity in local community groups that enables those groups to become self-sustaining into the future.